Newcomer Info

     We’re so happy you’re here and hope you’ll love living in our wonderful neighborhood as much as we all do. The following highlights some of the information you will need to know about living in Fontainebleau.

     Have you seen our pool, playground and tennis courts? How about the clubhouse? Did you know you can rent it out for all kinds of events? Perhaps your real estate agent informed you that we’re a covenant enforced neighborhood.  That's why it all looks so good.  (Please review the covenants and the bylaws.) 
Board and Management
     An elected board of up to 9 resident volunteers oversees the business of Fontainebleau. Quarterly board meetings held at the clubhouse in February, August & November are open to all residents. We would also love to see you every May at the general membership meeting where we hold elections for the board of directors and vote on other issues as needed. Our board contracts and directs GNO Property Management to handle dues, covenant enforcement, maintenance and more. The board can be reached at Our GNO property manager is D.J. Audibert who can be reached at 504-528-7028 or
To maintain all operations and management of our subdivision, we have dues of $650 per year.
     Our gated pool is “swim at your own risk” & electronic entry can only be gained with a card issued to registered residents. To get this card, your dues must be paid and a copy of the pool rules must be signed. Contact GNO. This key also provides access to the tennis courts. 
     This website contains our neighborhood directory, latest news,  block captain contacts and more. It’s an open site, but to access the directory and other confidential information, you’ll need a password.  You can request your login and password by going to the main page and clicking on registration.  Your login details will be emailed to the email address you provided once your account is approved by the administrator.  Once you get your log in info, please go to the directory and manage your personal content.  Most neighborhood communications are sent via e-mail. You can also find us on Facebook  
Block Captains
     We’ve divided Fontainebleau into 12 sections, each of which has a block captain (coordinated by Leila Haydel - We trust you’ve met them at some point since your arrival. From time to time, block captains may contact you about lost pets, security or voting info for our annual May meeting. Call on them any time using the contact list on our website.

MANAGEMENT COMPANY: GNO Property Management - 504-528-7028 or
POOL CARD: Register with GNO and pay annual dues
RECYCLE:  Put out recycle cans on Monday evening for Tuesday pickup.  Paper and plastic.  No glass.   Here are more details on recycling.
TRASH: Put out garbage & recycle cans on Tuesday evening for Wednesday morning pick up.
FACEBOOK:   Request to join the group Facebook page to get the latest news. 
We’d be happy for you to use any of the contacts listed above if you need any further info.  Enjoy making friends in your new home!